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Date : 2004-07-27
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Rating : 3.5
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Category : Book

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Worlds of Music Shorter Version ~ This shorter version of WORLDS OF MUSIC AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MUSIC OF THE WORLDS PEOPLES is written to make music accessible to all Using a casestudy approach the text presents explorations of music from several cultures from around the world
Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the World ~ This shorter version of WORLDS OF MUSIC AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MUSIC OF THE WORLDS PEOPLES is written to make music accessible Using the casestudy approach the text presents indepth explorations of music of several cultures from around the world
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Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the World ~ Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the Worlds Peoples Shorter Version This shorter version of the bestselling WORLDS OF MUSIC provides much of the authoritative coverage of the comprehensive version in a format thats accessible to students without any background or training in music
Worlds Of Music An Introduction To The Music Of The World ~ 3rd Titons Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the Worlds Peoples 4CD Set Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the Worlds Peoples Catechism for Young Children Questions 130 Bible Story and Art Activities for the Shorter Catechism Bible Stories and Art Activities for the Shorter Catechism for Young Children Volume 1
Worlds of Music An Introduction to the Music of the World ~ This shorter version of WORLDS OF MUSIC AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MUSIC OF THE WORLDS PEOPLES is written to make music accessible Using the casestudy approach the text presents indepth explorations of music of several cultures from around the world The authors all ethnomusicologists working in their
Worlds of Music Shorter Version 4th Edition ~ This shorter version of the bestselling WORLDS OF MUSIC provides much of the authoritative coverage of the comprehensive version in a format thats accessible to students without any background or training in music Using a casestudy approach the text presents indepth explorations of music of several cultures from around the world
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